
As a Community Interest Company we rely on your donations to help us with our mission to enrich the lives of those affected by dementia.

We are working hard to tackle inequalities for people living with dementia

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Ready to make a difference to those affected by dementia?

Donate now

Amount to donate

How your donations help

Here are some examples of what we do to make a difference for people living with dementia

Support Services

The donations we receive are used to provide dementia services which support people to live as well as they can with dementia

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We undertake research programmes to improve the delivery of services to people living with dementia. We are always open to partnerships in research

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Raise Awareness

We deliver training to raise awareness about the positive action that can be taken to reduce the risk of dementia and delay its progression

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Run Support Groups

Where unpaid carers of people living with dementia can share their experiences in a safe non-judgemental environment, learning from each other

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More ways you can help

If you would like to help us with our mission to enrich the lives of those affected by dementia

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Get listed as a local support service

If you run a service that supports people living with dementia, please contact us to get listed on this website

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Start a Fundraiser

If you would like to start a fundraiser to help us, please contact us

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